Africa is a continent of extreme, from a collection of war stricken nations to one of the poorest and most underdeveloped continent,it comes across as the dark continent to many people across the world even among Africans themselves.But is Africa really that bad as many media creations want to paint it?.Your guess is as good as mine Africa isn't as bad as it is painted across media platforms, in fact it is the most amazing continent if the number of tourists flocking its beaches and cities is a measurement of its attractiveness to the world and here are just the amazing things that will make you fall in love again with the cradle of mankind.

The African people,there is no place in the world where diversity manifests itself like Africa.Africa is home to over one billion people who speak over 1500 different languages and is arguably the second most populous continent in the world.In addition 50% of Africans are youthful, a demographical dividend that has faded to the background in other parts of the world.Apart from being youthful, Africans are some of the most hospitable and hardworking people in the world.It doesn't matter whether you are white,brown or whatever colour of skin you exhibit.It is the only place in the world where racial discrimination took a complete nosedive.

Its natural landscape,Africa is a beautiful continent endowed with natural scenic landscapes from north of Africa to the South side of the continent. Sahara desert arguably the largest desert in the world with amazing sand dunes and a resilient plant life dotting much of its landscape is found north of Africa.Apart from hosting the largest desert, it is also home to the largest fresh water lake in the world,Lake Victoria.Lake Malawi found on the south side of Africa and which borders the Eastern side of Africa  has more fish species than any other freshwater system in the world.The Great Rift valley in East Africa is a masterpiece geographical architectural creation that can only be found in Africa.

Wildlife,Africa is home to a whole lot of wildlife from elephants,gorillas,hippos,zebras,lions,cheetahs to endangered species like the white rhino and gravy zebras.Africa represents the best of rich wildlife diversity.In fact it has over 25% of world's bird species to its base.Some of the world's best wildlife conservancy models trace their footprints from Africa.

Its rich historical and cultural heritage,although much of world contemporary history is shrouded in European historical and cultural superiority.Africa represents a much refined historical and cultural  heritage free from the big brother syndrome present across much  of today's contemporary history.Modern civilisation can be traced back to Africa, from Egypt where agriculture and writing evolved to Timbuktu, an ancient modern city in West Africa that provided the basic framework for today's modern urban planning.Slavery which informed part of western world economic development traces its origin in Africa.In Zanzibar in East Africa, there exists what was once a huge slave market for the western world.

Its huge talent base,Africa is home to massive talent.From business,education,music,writing,literature and even  technology.Africa continues to produce some of the most respected thinkers and acts in all dynamic areas of modern societies.Mobile money transfer,the greatest height of financial technological innovation actually traces its roots in Kenya.

Its huge untapped economic potential,Africa is the next economic powerhouse.Africa is the most naturally resource endowed continent, with its huge reserves of mineral wealth and a growing youthful human capital Africa is certainly looking ahead to progressive and prosperous times this can be seen in the growing number of Chinese population and businesses across much of the continent.In fact Angola is now  the country with the largest number of Chinese population in Africa with an estimated population of 350,000 Chinese nationals.



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